Chairman of the Board in Global Green Capital AS
Owner and Chairman of the Board in Malthe Winje AS
Co-owner and CEO of Franzefoss AS
Owner and Chairman of the Board in Slåttland Group AS
Co-owner and Chairman of the Board in Future Zone AS
A mechanical engineer with 30 years of project and management experience from the international oil & gas industry. 15 years in charge of global projects and the SCM portfolio, and the last 4 years as CEO of NOV Norway (National Oilwell Varco).
Founder and CEO for the industry group Global Ocean Technology AS.
MSc in Business (Siviløkonom) from University of Agder (UiA).
Over 15 years of experience from DNB and SEB working with and responsibilities in project finance and all financing products for energy, IT, processing, consumer- and industrial goods companies.
Helge has had several board and management positions and been part of fianance structuring and business development of small and medium-sized companies
MSc in Cybernetics and Robotics from NTNU Trondheim.
More than 40 years of experience from Defence and Oil & Gas business. Broad experience from management and project management positions inclusive contract and customer relationships.
Anstein worked the last 32 years in NOV and tha last 4 years as Head of Sales eastern hemisphere in NOV (National Oilwell Varco).
CTO / Project Director
Master engineer from German University with 25 years’ project and management experience from the international O&G and automobile industry.
Broad experience within Project Management, New Product Development and Development of New Business Areas, including leading role in a dozen international innovation project in cooperation with the Norwegian Research Council.